The Friday Five for This Weekend the 19th of September

  1. I’m going to LapPoP on Sunday to meet the maker of ICanHasCheezburger and Tablefy.
  2. Have you played with getting Yelp on the Command-line using Ruby? I have using yelp.rb which is a script I made.
  3. Film Night at Dolores Park might be a good bet if weather turns out to be pleasant.
  4. I’ll be reading some philosophy at the Reverie.
  5. Ponder this quote from Jaspers:

from Karl Jaspers, in “Man in the Modern Age” (1930/1)

Part V: What Mankind Can Become

2. Maintenance of Selfhood in the Contemporary Situation

Technical Sovereignty

Technisation is a path along which we have no choice but to advance.
Any attempt to retrace our steps would mean the life would be rendered
increasingly difficult until it would become impossible. Invective is
of no use here; we have to overcome. The world of technique, therefore,
must be taken as a matter of course; so much so that all that goes on
within it must lie almost outside the field of active attention. As
contrasted with the need that all our activities must be more
successfully grounded upon advance technique, we have to cultivate our
awareness of the non-mechanisable to the pitch of infallibility. To
render the world of technique absolute would be destructive of
selfhood, and therefore our sense of the value of technical achievement
must be permeated with a new significance.


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