Hey Folks,
I’ve been following the advice Jason Calacanis laid out about blogging as close as possible. He was asked what was the sing most important step in monetizing a blog network and he answered, “Create world-class content every day for a year.”
I confess that I have not been that religious about posting, but I’ve been posting consistently during the week. Unfortunately, I’ve started doing freelance work and don’t have as much time as I’d like.
I want to continue to provide really interesting, quirky and beyond the bleeding edge articles about the tech world. We would be the kind of team that already has been messing around with CouchDB, Erlang, or newLisp way before others would think it was cool or profitable. We would also be the sort of team that avoids the false and gilded bullshit that creates a zombie army of fanboys or fangirls. Seriously, that stuff is lame and counter productive. Instead, we would be a little Oasis of exploring and humanizing technology.
If you want to be:
- part of something where you can say what you think about the tech industry
- like to write about tech
- want your writing to be a part of a cool community
Then I am interested in you.
My site has been growing since following Calacanis’ advice, but I’m realizing that I can’t do this alone.
Please send a writing sample and why you’d like to join in the fun that is CodeBelay.
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