CSS Based Web Design — 5 Years of Saving Lots of Money

In 2003, a website launched that opened the eyes up of web developers everywhere. That site is css Zen Garden.

If you go to the site, you can click on different links on the left and get a different design. The beauty of this is that the re-design for a website can be just the time it takes to do the CSS.

This has saved folks LOTS of money.

How can you save money as a biz dev person or a non-techie?

  1. Send your design team to css Zen Garden. Do they understand what’s going on that would save you so much time and money.
  2. Can you swap out the CSS in my current design in under 5 minutes?
  3. Use CSS / HTML mockups and not photoshop as a standard for judging how close to done the site is.

If they set your expectations with a photoshop document or can’t swap in the design in less than 5 minutes, you are being ripped off and will be sorely disappointed.

The last two parts are so important because it is the difference between going over budget 2x versus having a little in the budget for unforeseen extras.


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