Social Media Backup – What are the options now?

Bad things happen:

Dear Twitter,

My Twitter page @mostlylisa has been hacked and deleted. It’s GONE!!! I am currently catatonic. Please help me restore my account, it’s like, my meaning in life.

Much love to whom ever helps me!

PS. If you miss me like I miss you, you can always be my Friend OR Fan on Facebook. I know it’s not the same, but it’s all I have now. *hold me*

It only took twitter about 3 days to recover from this.


Is there a faster way?

First let’s look at the current options:

  • TweetBackup (NY Times)
  • BackUpMyTweets
  • If you are popular enough and folks raise a raucous, Twitter will go into the database back-up and restore your account into its pristine set up.

BackupMyTweets required too much info to get it working. No, you cannot have my gmail password.

I’ve tried Tweetbackup and they get kudos for using OAuth to make it easy to back your tweets up.

The 3rd option, begging Twitter, simply can’t scale and will only work for those few elites close to Twitter or popular enough. There isn’t a consumer solution.

How do we solve the problem of social media backup?

The great thing is the problem is:

  • technical
  • can have the same business model as insurance
  • will gain recognition as more snafus happen

Once again, if you haven’t already, use BackUpMyTweets.


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