Blogging Every Day For Six Months Starts Now

I’ve decided to blog every day for 6 months starting now to see if it will get me 10,000 uniques a month. That’s blogging everyday until February 18, 2011.

In this blog post, I just want to share a few things that make blogging different from writing.

I want to share these things because of this piece of wisdom: Blogging is not writing.

  • Each sentence must have a popular Google Ad Word, like blogging or Google. 🙂
  • Keep things between 50 and 150 key words.
  • Engage folks via social media.

Writing is really about engaging people, really moving them. Blogging is a subset of writing that has to take into account search engines and making words and the code that underlies them very friendly to the search engines.


3 responses to “Blogging Every Day For Six Months Starts Now”

  1. Angela Archer Avatar

    I just saw your tweet and facebook about this. That’s great you are taking the challenge that YOU’ve inspired me to take!

    Just subscribed to your rss feed. Despite the title of your blog (Codebelay BLOG), I didn’t know you had a real blog until now.

    I am reading your URL Shorteners post now.

  2. Daniel Avatar

    You’re using AdWords for titles and keeping the writing short? You should like Demand Media. 🙂

    Good Luck! I hope you share with us the Google Analytics results.

  3. June Dershewitz Avatar

    I admire your effort! I’m lucky if I manage to squeeze out one blog post a month. Looking forward to seeing the impact of all your hard work.

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