5 Reasons to Go to WordCamp LA

I just got my ticket for WordCamp LA.

Here are 5 reasons you should go:

  1. You run a WordPress blog. WordCamp LA brings together folks who have the same challenges you have in SEO, web design, and extending WordPress functionality through themes and plug-ins.
  2. You are in LA. ’nuff said.
  3. The view of LA from the LMU Campus is fantastic.
  4. Thom Meredith will be talking about his WordPress related experiences while working for the LA Times.
  5. Allison Day will give a talk just for beginners on how to decode the code in WordPress Themes

I contacted the organizers about giving a talk on how I used HyperDB to scale the Nikon Festival site. We’ll see if I hear back from them.


3 responses to “5 Reasons to Go to WordCamp LA”

  1. Angela Archer Avatar

    I missed the one last year. Thanks for putting this post up, while there are still tickets, since it wasn’t even on my radar until now! 🙂

  2. barce Avatar

    Congratulations, Angela, on winning the free WordCamp LA Ticket. A ticket will be made out in your name and emailed to you! Happy Friday!

  3. Angela Archer Avatar

    Whoa, did I just win a ticket? Damn, I had just bought one too! After reading your post (on August 27). I will give it to my sister (or friend, in case she can’t make it) then.

    Thanks! 🙂

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