How I Use The Node.js Circle On Google Plus

I really got into Google+ when I got an email from Guy Halford-Thompson, the author of the Cache Me blog that was sent to the Node.js mailing list.

Im sure many of you already have your Google Plus accounts. I for one
have finally got mine and am super excited.

Got my NodeJS circle set up but no one to add to it. Please add links
to your profile below.

Mine is

About 24 hours later, more than 100 of the 5126 member list has jumped into the Node.js circle.

When you are on a mailing list, you don’t see faces, and there’s a lot of context missing. Google plus brings the context to the mailing list.

Here’s an example:

Now I know that Andrey speaks Russian. He might be in Russia so if he ever sends something on the list, replying to him around business hours at around Moscow time might be the way to go.

Here’s another example:

I just learned about the Google Plus Extension. Although this is information outside of the Node.js list, I’ve got a richer context. I also gave the link to the extension a +1.

Have you turned your mailing list onto Google Plus? Try it, because it might give you the warm fuzzies about folks on your list.

PS: This is a blatant plug for an awesome place I’ve been working, RadicalFusion. If you need an app built using BDD/TDD contact us!


2 responses to “How I Use The Node.js Circle On Google Plus”

  1. Art Avatar

    Stereotyping #fail – Andrey is acually in Australia, as well as lots of other Russians scattered around the globe.

  2. motorés harry Avatar

    where i will find same google gadget .

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