gaming TechBiz

Warcraft: Why Do People Need What They Greed?

I caught 2008s infamous SxSW bug. While I was sick I medicated myself with lots of carrot juice, orange juice, and WoW, a really fun MMO, where I played a Tauren Warrior.

While adventuring and tanking for the first time in RFC, my crew of 5 people ran into a problem.

Poth, a paladin, rolled need on a Robe of Evocation.

This shocked me because paladins almost always wear mail armor, and I’d never seen a paladin wear cloth before.

Sisterjohn rolled need, too, and happens to be a cloth wearing mage.

The following argument ensued:

I had to give my 2 cents.

Then Poth came up with an interesting point that I’ll later show to be a lie. He says, “Show me healing gear at this low level and I will :-)” The irony is that if you look at his gear now, it’s not at all a healing specific chest piece, but the Robe of Arugal.

Here’s the shocker of a profile:

Is Poth greedy? Is he a ninja? Or in the interest of leveling a Paladin in an interesting way did he really need that gear?

TechBiz WebApps

Strawpoll, Twitter as a Coral Reef, and Bruce Lee

Dave Winer called Twitter a coral reef last April. It’s the highest compliment he said that he could pay.

When I see something like StrawPoll, that brings together polling and twitter, I think we have to say that Twitter is more basic than a coral reef. Twitter is like water. Without it, you can’t really use the Internet anymore. Google’s search is water, too, and it wouldn’t make sense to have the Internet without it.

StrawPoll also has a beautifully designed front page that reminds me of CSS Zen Garden, a great site for getting inspired about web design.

If you’re making a web app you might want to follow the advice of this guy:

Your web app needs to be like water. Everybody needs water.


A Google Trends for Twitter: Twitterverse

If you’re wondering what the twitterverse is thinking about, look no further than twitterverse.

It’s like the Google Trends page, except it’s just for twitter and does only a one word view, or a two word view, and just goes back 10 hours max.

sxsw2008 TechBiz

Cool Links from SxSWi 2008

Location Based Interactive Sites for both Mobile and Web:

  • Plundr – the area code based, mobile phone, pirate game
  • Socialight – leave geographic-based post-it notes using your phone.

Sites with great Community Managers:

Partition Your Tables with  HiveDB

sxsw2008 TechBiz

Day 4 Vlog of SxSW 2008


Jakob Heuser, Gordon Luk on selling Upcoming to Yahoo, Sarah Cooper on Polyvore, Nikhil Bobb and Natalie Villalobos share secrets after the Post Secret Keynote, An Austenite on What He Thinks About SxSW

sxsw2008 TechBiz

Day 3 Vlog of SxSW 2008

Are you Internet Famous?

  • Alice Marwick on status in her “I’m Internet Famous” core conversation.
  • Eric Nakagawa on icanhascheezburger as a project for becoming part of the Web 2.0 crowd

Tomorrow: Scalability Bootcamp, How to Party on a Monday, and Why didn’t you go to any panels at all?

sxsw2008 TechBiz

Day 2 Vlog of SxSW 2008

Breakups 2.0 – Can we make technology that will ease the pain of a breakup?

SxSW 2008 Day 2 - Joey Hardy

sxsw2008 TechBiz

Day 1 Vlog of SxSW 2008

Did you know that bacon is an emotion?

SxSW2008 Day 1

Here are some quick clips from:
1) John Vars, co-founder of
2) Ted Rheingold, co-founder and Top Dog of
3) Jakob Heuser, lead developer at

Announcements TechBiz

Byte Size Gossip At SxSW

Right now, I’m in a room listening to LisaNova talk about how to quit your day job and vlog, and am watching a Zadi Diaz video, Epic Fu.

It’s day 2 of my stay in Austin, TX for the SxSW festival, and here’s a quick recap:

1) Anil Dash won Battledeck II, a parody of corporate pitches contest. His megalomaniac comment, “Give me the applause I deserve,” and his ability to not read the slides got a lot of laughs.

2) The Valleywag crew was hanging out in the back of the Battledeck II audience.

3) The Laughing Squid party changed from the Gingerbread to Six to the confusion of many.

How-To TechBiz

Quick follow up on JS-Kit

You can now snag ratings pretty easily. I got this from Lev Walkin who works at js-kit. Here’s an example:[0]=/&jx[0]=0

The first param in the query string is your site URL put through a url-encoder. The 2nd param p[0] is the path to the thing you are rating. In this case just the home page.

I hope this helps and thanks again, Lev and the folks at