Category: Announcements

  • Update on the WordPress Dev2Live Hackday

    I know the bare minimum of what has to change in a WordPress install. Code that gets me the tables, and shows me the serializeable data in WordPress’ option settings is done.

  • A WordPress Hackday

    Today, I’m going to explore looking for a solution for staging WordPress from a development environment to a production one. I’ll be posting throughout the day as “hacks” become available.

    The main issue is changing serialized dev data into production data.

    I’ll be in #wpdev2live .

  • I Voted For Obama and Biden

    I’ll be having folks over to watch election coverage.

  • Codebelay Needs Bloggers

    Hey Folks,

    I’ve been following the advice Jason Calacanis laid out about blogging as close as possible. He was asked what was the sing most important step in monetizing a blog network and he answered, “Create world-class content every day for a year.”

    I confess that I have not been that religious about posting, but I’ve been posting consistently during the week. Unfortunately, I’ve started doing freelance work and don’t have as much time as I’d like.

    I want to continue to provide really interesting, quirky and beyond the bleeding edge articles about the tech world. We would be the kind of team that already has been messing around with CouchDB, Erlang, or newLisp way before others would think it was cool or profitable. We would also be the sort of team that avoids the false and gilded bullshit that creates a zombie army of fanboys or fangirls. Seriously, that stuff is lame and counter productive. Instead, we would be a little Oasis of exploring and humanizing technology.

    If you want to be:

    • part of something where you can say what you think about the tech industry
    • like to write about tech
    • want your writing to be a part of a cool community

    Then I am interested in you.

    My site has been growing since following Calacanis’ advice, but I’m realizing that I can’t do this alone.

    Please send a writing sample and why you’d like to join in the fun that is CodeBelay.


  • The Friday Five for This Weekend the 19th of September

    1. I’m going to LapPoP on Sunday to meet the maker of ICanHasCheezburger and Tablefy.
    2. Have you played with getting Yelp on the Command-line using Ruby? I have using yelp.rb which is a script I made.
    3. Film Night at Dolores Park might be a good bet if weather turns out to be pleasant.
    4. I’ll be reading some philosophy at the Reverie.
    5. Ponder this quote from Jaspers:

    from Karl Jaspers, in “Man in the Modern Age” (1930/1)

    Part V: What Mankind Can Become

    2. Maintenance of Selfhood in the Contemporary Situation

    Technical Sovereignty

    Technisation is a path along which we have no choice but to advance.
    Any attempt to retrace our steps would mean the life would be rendered
    increasingly difficult until it would become impossible. Invective is
    of no use here; we have to overcome. The world of technique, therefore,
    must be taken as a matter of course; so much so that all that goes on
    within it must lie almost outside the field of active attention. As
    contrasted with the need that all our activities must be more
    successfully grounded upon advance technique, we have to cultivate our
    awareness of the non-mechanisable to the pitch of infallibility. To
    render the world of technique absolute would be destructive of
    selfhood, and therefore our sense of the value of technical achievement
    must be permeated with a new significance.

  • Gearing Up For HackDay At Yahoo on September 12th

    picture of hackday at yahoo

    I just signed up for HackDay at Yahoo, which will bring together a lot of cool people in the industry.

    I’m hoping to just spend the day and talk to folks about what’s inspiring them lately.

    Comment below if you’re going. Also share with me and the folks commenting what you’re hoping to solve or build.

  • What I Learned at ROFLCon: Numa Numa and Too Many Wannabe PUAs

    Bad News:

    • I’m pretty much done with tech events with too many dudes pretending to be Pick-up Artists. Tech Events with 80% dudes was cool in 2005 before the book, The Game, came out. But now that all these chumps have a license to be douche bags, I think it’s kinda silly that all these guys are AMOG’ing guys in their own industry. Douchebags being negative towards their industry peers just for the attention of a random 20 year old.

    Pic of Mystery
    If you act like this guy at a tech event I will kick your ass.

    “Picking up” women is not some video game, or like Dungeons and Dragons. There are some real life consequences to being a player. One of them is me kicking your ass if you interrupt me with the intent of tooling me while I’m talking to someone.

    WARNING: If you pull any of that game or player bullshit, when I am talking to someone; if you tool me, I will drop you to the floor and frog walk you out of the tech event we are at. You have been warned!

    Good News:

    • Ben Huh of I Can Has Cheezburger put on a pretty cool discussion on the types of jokes out there. I’m gonna try to find the slides for that.
    • Numa Numa is my favorite viral video. I still laugh when I watch it.

  • The Friday Five for August 22nd, 2008

    Here are 5 links worth checking out before you head out the door:

    1. Tara Hunt blogs about Ma.gnolia going open source. This blog post provides a link to the git repository and google group.
    2. The Outside Lands Music Festival has a great line up!
    3. Another victim is claimed by the blue screen of death.
    4. The latest on the Chinese Gold Medalist age controversy.
    5. 37signals shares with us the Hollywood Launch method for launching a web app. Just pretend your web app is to be marketed like a block buster movie.

    Have a great weekend!

  • Come to Next Wednesday’s Web Analytics Mixer at the Supperclub

    The next San Francisco Web Analytics Mixer is going to held at the Supperclub in San Francisco next Wednesday, the 2nd of April. RSVP at the Web Analytics Demystified Site.

    These events have gotten really classy and you’ll be able to ask your burning questions to the web analytics pros present.

    June Dershewitz and David Rogers (Email)
    Wednesday, April 02, 2008 at 6:00 PM
    657 Harrison St, San Francisco CA

    (Venue | Map | Group)

    Event sponsored by BizRate
  • The Web Analytics Association Election Starts March 24th

    Why is this important? This board is pretty influential in terms of deciding where companies like Omniture will drive the development of new web analytics tools.

    For details on WAA (Web Analytics Association) visit their website, and while you’re at it, if you sign up for a membership, take a look at this year’s candidates for the board.

    South by Southwest so helped my blog!

    Personally my vote goes to June Dershewitz.