Category: iPhone Dev

  • What happened in the last 12 months?

    I’ve been spending most of my free time working on my photography. You can see see some of it at Bracket This, and a ton of it on my Instagram account. Right now though, I’m starting to focus on tech again. I’ve been learning Swift to make an iOS app while working with a really awesome designer, Andi Galpern.

    Anyways, expect to see more posts about Swift and mobile app development.

  • Lots of Phones to Test At

    We test so many phones at App Dev + Marketing because we are exploring the issues involved with tackling cross phone performance issues.

    MyChamberApp is an app we created that works on

    • Android
    • iPhone
    • Blackberry, and
    • Mobile Web.

    It leads to a lot of late nights and heartache but when you hear from a customer like the Vicksburg Chamber in Mississippi saying how pleased they are it makes it all worth it.

    Right now I’m wrestling with Android issues which hopefully me and my team will fix tonight for our partners, Target Marketing aka Chamber Maps.

  • Dineovore Gives Techies an API

    Check out Dinevore if you’re a foodie who is a techie. Their API is now live!

    Contact them via twitter or contact their team via email.

  • How To Boost iPhone App Ratings

    This is something I learned from, the iPhone wine rating app.

    • have an event where you invite iPhone users
    • Make the entrance to the event downloading your app. In this case it was a winetasting
    • Have folks come in and enjoy the wine.
    • Before they leave ask them to rate the app at a set up terminal

    I thought I would be put off by it, but if you approach it in a smooth and non-pushy way, it’s a great way to get more ratings for your app. All of the ratings were positive.

  • App Identifier and Bundle Identifier Gotcha in iPhone Dev

    This is one of those things they don’t mention in the docs.

    When you create a provisioning profile for an iPhone app you get an app identifier. It looks like this:

    In order to get your iPhone app in development into your iPhone you got to have a bundle identifier. The docs that I’ve found so far tell you that your bundle identifier is the same as your app identifier. After struggling for close to 4 hours, I found out that your bundle identifier really is:

    Just strip out the encrypted looking part and the dot (.) before com and you’re set.