os x ruby on rails WebApps

Rails on Nginx with Passenger on Mac OS X Lion

This is a quick and dirty guide to getting Ruby on Rails working on Nginx with Passenger on Mac OS X Lion:

brew install nginx
gem install passenger
cd ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew/
tar zxvf nginx-*.tar.gz 
cd nginx-*

Now you to edit this file:


Make sure there’s something like the stuff below:

  server {
        listen       8080;
        server_name  localhost;

        root /Users/me/repos/my_awesome_rails_app/public

        rails_env development;
        passenger_enabled on;

        charset utf-8;

lynx http://localhost:8080

Guides Online:

command-line os x

Darwin Ports when OS X Idiosyncracies Get You Down

I started using Darwin Ports when tools like hping3 and ctags didn’t work quite right on OS X. For example, the berkeley packet filter on OS X is totally different from the one on Linux, so hping3 wouldn’t compile correctly. Also, ctags in OS X doesn’t have the -R flag for recursion.

With Darwin Ports, I can install libraries and executables that don’t work quite right on OS X but work great on Linux.