During the last tech down turn, I was unemployed for about a year and ate into most of my savings. The first job I was able to get was stacking candles at a store for minimum wage. I had a lot of trouble making ends meet, and often spent nights worrying if I would make rent. I swore to myself that I’d never be in such bad shape again.
In 2003, my poverty was something I’d like to believe I chose, and romanticized, perhaps because it wasn’t hardcore poverty. I knew others who fared worse, who never enjoyed the first dot-com gravy train, or who had bought homes in 1999 thinking that they’d always make $80,000 a year as a secretary. I made half that as a coder in 1999 because I didn’t believe it was right to make that much. Now, I’ve tossed that idealism aside and really am out there to make as much as I can get.
It’s 2008, and I see that the douche bags of Wall Street through their greed have managed to get my attention in the form of a world financial crisis. I see that most Americans by not saving have also created a mole hill out of things. I see that we cannot believe in an economic system of rational agents because now we are not.
The big take away is to save, save, save.
Just like in Fight Club, the things you’ve owned are now owning you.
The big question: How Will the World’s Financial Crisis Affect Web 2.0?
In what structured ways will the world around us crumble?