It seems that out is the new in.
At Dogster, we have laptop-less meetings.
At the Reverie Coffee Shop, there’s no wi-fi, which is great for having a place where folks still meet, greet and have conversations.
Here’s the LA Times article.
It seems that out is the new in.
At Dogster, we have laptop-less meetings.
At the Reverie Coffee Shop, there’s no wi-fi, which is great for having a place where folks still meet, greet and have conversations.
Here’s the LA Times article.
The next San Francisco Web Analytics Mixer is going to held at the Supperclub in San Francisco next Wednesday, the 2nd of April. RSVP at the Web Analytics Demystified Site.
These events have gotten really classy and you’ll be able to ask your burning questions to the web analytics pros present.
Meraki hopes to cover San Francisco in a sea of Free Wifi.
If you take a look at their map, you can see that they’ve got a good bit of coverage in San Francisco.
Look for the “Free the Net” SSID to hook up.
I really like the fact that they are looking into solar for their routers.
Thanks to Leef for this info.
You’ve got until August 30th, 2008 to migrate your code to the latest Youtube API. After that date, your current code base might not work.
I used 3 important coding concepts while working on migrating my Youtube Facebook App to the newest Youtube API:
The strategy pattern allows you to define common behaviors that will be shared among your set of classes. In this case, I’ve got a class for the old Youtube API, and a class for the new Youtube API. Although the URLs used for accessing the two APIs are different, I’ll define a method common to each class for accessing URLs. In this case it’s the setURL method.
In PHP I do this like so:
interface apiCalls
public function setUrl();
The factory pattern allows me to create an instance of an object for using the old API or the new API on the fly. Factory methods just return the new instance of an object.
$dynamic_fave = FaveFactory::Create(“cyphgenic”, ‘yes’, 2, ‘on’, ‘2.0’);
print $dynamic_fave->url . “\n”;
$dynamic_fave = FaveFactory::Create(“cyphgenic”, ‘yes’, 2, ‘on’, ‘1.0’);
print $dynamic_fave->url . “\n”;
If you take a look at the code I’ve got and compare the old version with the new one, you can also see that I’ve cleaned up the nested if-else statements with arrays.
if ($showUploaded == 'on') { $method = "youtube.videos.list_by_user"; } else { $method = "youtube.users.list_favorite_videos"; }
$h_method['on'] = "youtube.videos.list_by_user"; $h_method['off'] = "youtube.videos.list_by_user"; $method = $h_method[$this->showUploaded];
Below are the links to the bits of the code that I had to migrate. I just use one particular method, setUrl() as an example.
You might be wondering why two classes for the old and new API. If any new features need to be coded, or bugs need to be fixed in either API, I can do so within a particular class, and not add more obfuscation to the code. The two classes don’t violate the DRY principle because each models a particular thing.
Youtube’s censors hate geeks. You can’t watch the Matrix because it’s been removed, but ya, you can jack off all you want to all of Jane Austen’s books turned into movies. To me this is such a joke, but I think there’s an explanation:
You can no longer see a lot of the scenes from the Matrix on youtube:
If it’s a chic flick like Pride and Prejudice or Persuasion? Guess what – you still can see the whole film in its entirety.
The makers of Merchant Ivory type films see their films on Youtube as advertising… maybe there are a few die hard cultural conservatives who see it as reviving a long-gone era of classism and good manners. The owners of the Matrix, Warner Bros., see films on Youtube as cutting into their profits. They probably hate all the radical lefty politics in it, too.
Can any insiders confirm this?
Why is this important? This board is pretty influential in terms of deciding where companies like Omniture will drive the development of new web analytics tools.
For details on WAA (Web Analytics Association) visit their website, and while you’re at it, if you sign up for a membership, take a look at this year’s candidates for the board.
Personally my vote goes to June Dershewitz.
I caught 2008s infamous SxSW bug. While I was sick I medicated myself with lots of carrot juice, orange juice, and WoW, a really fun MMO, where I played a Tauren Warrior.
While adventuring and tanking for the first time in RFC, my crew of 5 people ran into a problem.
Poth, a paladin, rolled need on a Robe of Evocation.
This shocked me because paladins almost always wear mail armor, and I’d never seen a paladin wear cloth before.
Sisterjohn rolled need, too, and happens to be a cloth wearing mage.
The following argument ensued:
I had to give my 2 cents.
Then Poth came up with an interesting point that I’ll later show to be a lie. He says, “Show me healing gear at this low level and I will :-)” The irony is that if you look at his gear now, it’s not at all a healing specific chest piece, but the Robe of Arugal.
Here’s the shocker of a profile:
Is Poth greedy? Is he a ninja? Or in the interest of leveling a Paladin in an interesting way did he really need that gear?
Dave Winer called Twitter a coral reef last April. It’s the highest compliment he said that he could pay.
When I see something like StrawPoll, that brings together polling and twitter, I think we have to say that Twitter is more basic than a coral reef. Twitter is like water. Without it, you can’t really use the Internet anymore. Google’s search is water, too, and it wouldn’t make sense to have the Internet without it.
StrawPoll also has a beautifully designed front page that reminds me of CSS Zen Garden, a great site for getting inspired about web design.
If you’re making a web app you might want to follow the advice of this guy:
Your web app needs to be like water. Everybody needs water.
If you’re wondering what the twitterverse is thinking about, look no further than twitterverse.
It’s like the Google Trends page, except it’s just for twitter and does only a one word view, or a two word view, and just goes back 10 hours max.