
  • Error 502 and Youtube is Down

    If you tried logging into YouTube today, you’ll notice that you got an “Error 502”.

    Here’s a quick summary of what that means.

    According to RFC 2616, the document which among other things lists the error codes, Error 502 means “Bad Gateway.” That basically means that you can get to the Proxy server or the server that talks to your browser, but not to the servers behind that.

    Your Browser -> The Gateway or Proxy Server (Error 502) -> YouTube Back End is Dead!

    Wikipedia lists all the error codes, too.

  • Want to be Successful Like Joel on Software?

    If everything got deleted from the Joel on Software website, I would miss 2 articles:

    Best Working Conditions -> Best Programmers -> Best Software -> Profit!

    At the company where I’m the lead software developer, we are committed to the Joel Plan. At first we started out by trying developers on the cheap but have started to focus more towards making budget for a great environment (an office in Westwood close to food and parking), and hiring the best developers. We have one of the guys working on the Kohana framework, Justin Hernandez, helping us with key pieces of software.

    Some folks think lean means:

    1. leveraged open source frameworks (LAMP + Danga) ( @ericries)
    2. agile
    3. customer-centric development, where devs interface directly with customers

    We definitely agree with what Eric Ries, and other successful entrepreneurs are saying about the lean startup.

    However, I personally don’t agree with folks that sacrifice the first two parts of the Joel Plan, the best conditions and the best developers, under the name of lean startup. I won’t name names because these guys in the East Coast C and D’d me before but honestly, if you want your East Coast company to think like a startup, you have to treat your East Coast developers like the valuable resource they are.

  • What You Missed At WordCamp LA

    Here’s what you missed:

    Installing nginx with php-fpm with varnish on the front end will make your WordPress install fly 50 times faster.

    If you’re using apt-get, you can just use:
    apt-get install php-fpm
    Or try this guide on how-to forge.
    Here’s the install process I used using PHP 5.3.3 on OS X:

    sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-fpm \ 
      --with-fpm-user=daemon --with-fpm-group=daemon \ 
      --with-mcrypt --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql --with-zlib \
      --enable-mbstring --disable-pdo --with-curl --disable-debug \
      --disable-rpath --enable-inline-optimization --with-bz2 
      --with-zlib --enable-sockets --enable-sysvsem \
      --enable-sysvshm --enable-pcntl --enable-mbregex \
      --with-mhash --enable-zip --with-pcre-regex \ 
    make && make install
    cp sapi/fpm/php-fpm.conf /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.conf
    # edit php-fpm.conf with the right paths
    cp sapi/fpm/php-fpm /usr/local/sbin/php-fpm
    cp init.d.php-fpm /etc/init.d/php-fpm
    /etc/init.d/php-fpm start

    If you get an error message it’s probably because you didn’t go through the config to set things up.

    The next part is nginx.

    ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/nginx && make && make install

    My conf/nginx.con looks like this. My sites-enabled/default.conf looks like this. My conf/fastcgi_params file is here.

    I just start nginx with /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx and I’m good to go.

    The quote that stuck with me the most was what Josh Highland said about caching:

    “You should use WordPress Cache Plugins. It’s like printing money. It’s free!”

    For adding your own contact form, I learned about Contact Form 7. You can ditch WuFoo if you have this configured on your WordPress.

    There’s also Pods, which is like contact-form-7 except it’s a whole framework for creating your own content types and making them show up where you want.

  • iPhone 4 beats iPhone 3G in 3 ways

    I got an iPhone 4 this weekend, and have been so happy with it. Here are the 3 reasons why:

    • It is so much faster, 100 times faster on google maps. Apps that I stopped using because of the iOS 4 upgrade slowdown, I can now use again without issue.
    • It takes great pictures and records HD video. You get 5 megapixels which is just 1 megapixel shy of a 3 year old Canon Elph.
    • I think FaceTime is the bomb.

    I am a bit bummed that I had to upgrade. The inconvenience makes Android look more attractive.

    But if you’re still on 3G, I totally recommend the iPhone 4.

  • 4 Things I learned from blogging 11 days straight

    I said I was going to blog for 6 months straight but last night after a streak of 11 days I stopped.

    I was at home, and after I moved my things into my new flat, I just passed out. I’ve been plain tired with the start-up, planning for the CSS meet up, an early and long drive from SF to LA, and a touch of jet lag from returning back from NYC.

    But even though the project is a fail, here is what I learned:

    • I learned that you can blog from your smartphone using the WordPress App. This really helped while I was in Brooklyn and didn’t have my laptop.
    • Weekends really suck for a tech blog. My traffic just dropped.
    • Keyword focused-posts and quality posts grow traffic. There is no way around this.
    • A really good blog post can take up 4 hours of your day.
  • What I Hate About Apple: iOS4 slowed down my iPhone 3G

    I just want to chime in and say that my iPhone 3G is God awful slow now after updating to iOS4. I did the hard reset twice on it.

    There was a moderate improvement, but I still run into spots where it’ll hang for a minute or two.

    I really do hope they come out with an improvement to performance, which is rumored to come out soon.

  • Dineovore Gives Techies an API

    Check out Dinevore if you’re a foodie who is a techie. Their API is now live!

    Contact them via twitter or contact their team via email.

  • Have You Used Facebook Places?

    Have you used Facebook Places? Do you find it useful? I used it once and didn’t find a need for it, or didn’t get hooked the way I got hooked with Foursqaure.

    I have seen interesting interactions by folks who don’t use Foursquare in terms of creating fun pages for a Pho Venue in San Francisco.

    That Pho place already has a great Yelp page, but now they’ve got a page on Facebook, too, so it really helps drive more eyeballs onto a business.

    Comment below about what you think of Facebook Places.

  • Working on the Road

    Here’s how my Friday worked out.

    5:30 am PDT Wake Up
    5:45 am PDT Catch a Cab to SFO

    6:25 am to 6:55 am PDT Work E-mails

    7:25 am PDT Wheels up SFO
    8:30 am Arrive LAX
    8:30 am – 8:55 am Get Ticket for NYC & go through security again
    9:00 am – 10:00 am Log into IM & plan out day

    10:00 am – noon Make the database faster by sending search traffic to prod02, adding indexes where needed and optimizing table.

    12:00 – 12:20 lunch at airport bk

    12:40 – 14:00 Work on Android bug
    14:00 – 14:55 compare SQL_CACHE vs. memcached. Use both? Where?

    14:55 – 15:25 Board Flight; wheels up NYC.

    15:25 – 15:45 Internet Blackout
    15:45 – 18:00 Work on hosting issue for client & registration for business users

    Hours worked: 8
    internet outage: 20 minutes
    miles Traveled: 3,124
    Hours awake: 19.5