Tag: amazon s3

  • 3 Clients for Storing Data into Amazon S3

    It’s not that difficult to store data into your Amazon S3 account and share that data with 50,000 or so people on the cheap.

    Armed with just your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key, you can use these two cool storage clients.

    S3 Webmaster

    For Windows, you can download the S3 Webmaster for free, and you just simply drag and drop your files and S3 will automatically set the permissions for public download.


    For Macs, there is S3Hub, which works whether or not you have an S3 account. If you don’t have an S3 account you can view other public S3 buckets. If you do have an account you can easily upload and share the assets you stored.


    If your data storage needs run the gamut from sftp, webdav, iDisk, automated upload workflows, and S3, you’ll want to plunk down some cash like I did and get Transmit. At $17.95 it’s a bargain. I use it’s webdav and S3 features almost daily.