Tag: film

  • Youtube Censors Won’t Censor Full Length Chic Flicks

    Youtube’s censors hate geeks. You can’t watch the Matrix because it’s been removed, but ya, you can jack off all you want to all of Jane Austen’s books turned into movies. To me this is such a joke, but I think there’s an explanation:

    You can no longer see a lot of the scenes from the Matrix on youtube:

    Youtube hates geeks! No Matrix for you!


    If it’s a chic flick like Pride and Prejudice or Persuasion? Guess what – you still can see the whole film in its entirety.


    The makers of Merchant Ivory type films see their films on Youtube as advertising… maybe there are a few die hard cultural conservatives who see it as reviving a long-gone era of classism and good manners. The owners of the Matrix, Warner Bros., see films on Youtube as cutting into their profits. They probably hate all the radical lefty politics in it, too.

    Can any insiders confirm this?