Tag: http status 122

  • The HTTP Status 122 Error in IE7 in Ajax Apps

    Summary: Don’t use the GET method in Ajax Apps, if you can void it, because IE7 craps out with more than 2032 characters in a get string.

    Here’s the page that craps out at 2033 characters with IE7:

    You won’t see the error with other browsers.

    Here’s the page that’s okay:

    What’s going on here?

    picture of http status 122
    Sometimes you’ll write a piece of Javascript that uses prototype and looks like this:

      var url = '/status122/listener/?stuff=' + encodeURIComponent($('js_stuff').innerHTML);
      // This is where we send our raw ratings for parsing
      var ajax = new Ajax.Updater(
    		method: 'get',
    		onComplete: showResponse

    If you print http.status you get an HTTP Status of 122. WTF?

    What’s going on here is that IE7 sets a limit of 2032 characters on GET strings, so you have to do a POST instead like so:

      var getvar = encodeURIComponent($('js_stuff').innerHTML);
      var url = '/status122/listener/';
      // This is where we send our raw data for parsing
      // If we use method: 'get', IE7 will return a 122, but
      // b/c Firefox is RFC2616 compliant and realizes that
      // there is no minimum length for a URI, we get success.
      // Here we use method: 'post' b/c IE7 is lame.
      var ajax = new Ajax.Updater(
    		method: 'post',
    		postBody: 'stuff=' + getvar,
    		onComplete: showResponse

    I hope this helps.

    What Ajax quirks have you run into?